The Magic Stick Akbar Birbaal Story in English

The Magic Stick Akbar Birbaal Story- Once upon a time, in the kingdom of Akbar, the king was sitting in his palace when a former came to visit. The former mentioned that some gold was missing from his house and he believed that some of the laborers who had been working there were the thieves. … Read more

The Boy Who Cried Wolf – Kids Moral Story

The Boy Who Cried Wolf – Kids Moral Story:-Once upon a time, there was a young shepherd boy who tended his flock in a village on the side of a mountain. One day, the boy became bored and decided to play a trick on the villagers. He cried out, “Wolf! Wolf!” loudly, but when the … Read more

Uncle Arthur’s Bedtime Stories

Uncle Arthur’s Bedtime Stories:- This is a collection of kids stories based on Uncle Arthur’s Bedtime Stories, Arthur Stanley Maxwell is an author who lived in London, he writes kids stories with morals, Mother’s Hands Kenny’s Comfort Locked in the Cupboard Joe’s Dollar How Johnny Got Wet The Tears of Jesus How Daddy’s Fence Was … Read more