The Clever Rooster, the Brave Dog, and the Cunning Fox: A Tale of Friendship and Wit

The Clever Rooster, the Brave Dog, and the Cunning Fox: A Tale of Friendship and Wit:- Once upon a time, in a little village, a brave hunting dog and a cheerful rooster were the best of friends. Filled with curiosity and a sense of adventure, the brave hunting dog and the cheerful rooster decided to … Read more

The Monkeys and the Gardener Story – Story for Kindergarten Students

The Monkeys and the Gardener Story in Tamil- தோட்டக்காரனும் குரங்குகளும்:- ஒரு ஊருல ஒரு தோட்டக்காரன் இருந்தான் ,அவனுக்கு காட்டுக்கு பக்கத்துல ஒரு தோட்டம் இருந்துச்சு ,

The Monkeys and the Gardener Story – Story for Kindergarten Students:-Once upon a time, there was a hardworking farmer who owned a vast farmland near a dense forest. He worked on his field every day to grow different crops and vegetables. He enjoyed his work, and the fruits of his labor were always worth it. … Read more