The Feared Boy -Read Along Stories:-Once upon a time, there was a young boy who loved exploring the outdoors. He walked deep into the forest to see all the beautiful trees and animals. But after a while, he started feeling very hungry. He searched for food but couldn’t find any.

Finally, the boy spotted a mango tree with ripe and juicy mangoes. He climbed up the tree and started eating the mangoes. However, he noticed that all the mangoes on the lower branches were sour.

The boy decided to climb higher up the tree to find sweeter mangoes. But as he climbed up, the branch he was holding onto suddenly broke, and he started falling towards the ground. He quickly grabbed onto another branch to stop himself from falling.

But the boy was now stuck, hanging in the air, and he couldn’t move his legs to grab onto any other branches. He started shouting for help, hoping someone would hear him.
Luckily, an old man happened to be walking by and heard the boy’s cries. But instead of coming to his rescue, the old man started throwing stones at the boy’s hands. The boy was angry and confused about why the old man was doing this.

The old man then explained to the boy that he was teaching him a valuable lesson. The boy’s fear had prevented him from jumping from the tree, but his anger had given him the courage and power to do so.

With that, the boy realized that he was no longer afraid and jumped from the tree, landing safely on the ground. He thanked the old man for the lesson and continued on his nature walk, feeling more confident and brave than ever before.