Donkey Fox and Lion story with Moral-little stories

Donkey fox and lion story moral

Donkey Fox and Lion story with Moral-little stories:-Once upon a time, in a forest, there lived a lion, a fox, and a donkey. They lived nearby and would often meet and talk about things. One day, they came up with an idea to go hunting together. The donkey would find the prey animals, the fox … Read more

Lion and Man-Free Bedtime Stories

Lion and Man-Free Bedtime Stories:–Once upon a time, a man and a lion were walking on the streets when they started a fight. The lion said, “Lions are more powerful than man,” and the man replied, “No, man is more powerful than a lion.” They kept arguing until they saw a statue of a king … Read more

Owl Story -Bedtime Story

Owl Story In Tamil

Owl Story -Bedtime Story:-Once upon a time in a village, there was a huge tree located in the middle of the street. A wise old owl lived in the hole of the tree. One day, a saint visited the village and decided to stay under the tree. All the villagers came to meet the saint, … Read more