Arrogant Rooster And The Eagle – Bedtime story:-Once upon a time, there was a garden where two roosters lived together. One rooster was very strong and arrogant, while the other was weaker and more humble. The arrogant rooster would always boss around the weaker one, insisting that he was right about everything.

One day, while the weaker rooster was busy searching for food, the arrogant rooster came along and started to disturb him. The weaker rooster simply walked away, ignoring the arrogant one’s taunts.

Feeling victorious, the arrogant rooster climbed onto the roof and began crowing as loudly as he could. But little did he know, an eagle had been watching him from a nearby tree.

The eagle had always wanted to catch the arrogant rooster, but he was afraid of the dog that guarded the garden. However, this time, the situation was different. The dog was sleeping, and the eagle saw his chance.

With a quick swoop, the eagle flew down and captured the arrogant rooster in his talons. The weaker rooster watched in amazement as the eagle flew away with the arrogant rooster, never to be seen again.

From that day on, the weaker rooster lived a peaceful life in the garden, free from the arrogant rooster’s bullying ways. The other animals in the garden also learned a valuable lesson – that arrogance and overconfidence can lead to one’s downfall.