Thenali Raman Birthday Present – Moral Story For Kids:-Once upon a time, in a kingdom ruled by the great king Krishnadevaraya, there was a birthday party held in the king’s palace. All the important people of the town, including the ministers, officers, and wealthy merchants, were invited to the grand celebration.
As they arrived, each person carried a huge gift for their beloved king, wrapped in beautiful silk cloth. Everyone was eagerly waiting to see what gifts the others had brought for the king.

But amidst the crowd stood the wise and witty Thenaliraman, holding a gift wrapped in silk cloth of an enormous size. Everyone was curious about what was inside, and they asked Thenaliraman to reveal the contents.
Thenaliraman started to unwrap the gift, and to everyone’s surprise, they found that there were many layers of silk cloths wrapped around it. The process of unwrapping continued for a long time, and everyone was getting impatient.
Finally, at the center of all the silk cloth layers, Thenaliraman pulled out a small box. Everyone was shocked that such a small box was hidden under so many layers of silk cloth.

Thenaliraman opened the box, and to everyone’s amazement, it contained a single tamarind fruit. The people were confused and wondered why Thenaliraman had gifted such a small and simple thing to the king.
Thenaliraman stepped forward and said, “My dear king, this tamarind fruit is a symbol of a great lesson. The tamarind fruit may be small, but it is one of the sweetest fruits that can be found in this land. It is a reminder that a king must never collabrate or mix with his relatives and neighbors, like the sourness of the tamarind fruit.
Instead, a king should always be sweet like the tamarind fruit and serve his people with kindness, love, and compassion. I present this gift to you as a reminder of the important values that you must uphold as a great king.”
Everyone was stunned by Thenaliraman’s wisdom, and the king was delighted with the thoughtful gift. From that day on, the king made sure to lead his kingdom with compassion and kindness, just like the sweet tamarind fruit. And Thenaliraman became known as one of the wisest men in the land.