Here is a drama script based on the story “The Golden Touch of Midas” for kindergarten school students:
Title: The Golden Touch of Midas
Cast: Midas – the King Dionysus – the God of Wine and Happiness Hermes – the Messenger of the Gods Narrator

(All actors enter the stage. Midas is sitting on his throne, looking unhappy.)
Narrator: Once upon a time, there was a King named Midas who was very rich but very unhappy.
(Dionysus enters the stage and approaches Midas)

Dionysus: Hello, King Midas. Why do you look so sad?
Midas: I have everything I could ever want, but I am still not happy.
Dionysus: I can give you the gift of the Golden Touch. Anything you touch will turn to gold.
Midas: (excitedly) Really? That would be amazing!
(Dionysus touches Midas and he gains the Golden Touch.)
Midas: (excitedly) Look, my throne is now gold!
(Hermes enters the stage.)
Hermes: King Midas, the gods are unhappy with your newfound power. You must use it wisely or face the consequences.
Midas: (ignoring Hermes) I will be the richest man in the world!
(Midas starts touching everything on stage and it all turns to gold. He touches his daughter and she turns to gold as well.)
Midas: (realizing his mistake) Oh no! What have I done?
(Dionysus enters the stage again)
Dionysus: King Midas, you have not used your gift wisely. You must return it to me.
Midas: I will do anything to undo my mistake.
Dionysus: Then go to the river and wash your hands. The gift will be gone.
(Midas goes to the river and washes his hands. He returns to the stage, no longer with the Golden Touch.)
Midas: (relieved) Thank you, Dionysus. I have learned that wealth and happiness do not always go hand in hand.
Narrator: And from that day on, King Midas lived a happy and content life, never wishing for wealth again.
(All actors bow and exit the stage.)
The end.
Nice Wise story 🛺😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍