Peacock and the crane story-Bedtime Stories for Kids in English:-Once upon a time, in a forest, there lived a beautiful peacock. He had a very long and colourful tail that everyone admired. But he was very proud of his beauty and often boasted about it to the other animals and birds. He would go to them and say, “Look at me, I am the most beautiful creature in this forest. You all are so ugly!”

One day, the peacock saw a crane and went up to him, “Hey crane, why are your feathers so dull and grey? You don’t look half as beautiful as me!” The crane looked at the peacock but didn’t say a word.

Suddenly, they heard the sound of a hunter’s gun. The crane, being quick on his feet, flew away immediately. But the peacock was not so lucky. He couldn’t run or fly fast enough because of his long tail feathers.

Just as the hunter was about to shoot him, the peacock remembered what the crane had said about the power of his wings. It was then that the peacock realized his mistake of being arrogant and rude to others.

The hunter’s shot missed the peacock, and he escaped. But the peacock felt ashamed of his behaviour and went to apologize to the crane. “I’m sorry, crane. I realize now that true beauty comes from within. I was foolish to be so arrogant and rude to you and others.”

The crane forgave the peacock and reminded him that every creature has its own unique qualities and beauty. He also advised the peacock to be humble and kind to others.
From that day on, the peacock learned to appreciate the beauty in other animals and birds. He stopped being arrogant and began to make new friends. He also started to realize that true beauty comes from being kind and humble, and not just from outward appearances.
And the peacock lived happily ever after, with his newfound wisdom and kindness.