Powerful Soldier- Mahabharatham Stories For kids in English-Once upon a time, during the great Mahabharatha war, there was a powerful soldier who came to visit Lord Krishna. Krishna was busy watching the preparations for the next day’s war, but he welcomed the soldier and asked him what brought him there.
The soldier replied, “I am a powerful soldier with the grace of Lord Shiva. I have the ability to turn the losing side into the winning side. I see that your team is losing, so I want to join your side and help you win the war.”

Krishna wanted to test the soldier’s ability, so he ordered him to bring all the leaves from the mango tree nearby with just one arrow. However, Krishna had hidden two leaves inside his foot. The soldier shot his arrow, cutting and carrying all the leaves, but it circled around Krishna’s foot.
Krishna was pleased and realized the soldier’s true ability, but he hesitated to add him to his team. Instead, he asked the soldier for a promise. “I need a man’s head that can change the fortune of this war. Will you give it to me?” he asked.

Without thinking, the soldier promised to cut the head for Krishna. Krishna then revealed that the head he needed was the soldier’s own head.
“You are a true soldier and have great power and ability, but your ability is your enemy. If we start the war because of you, you will switch to the other side, and the war will never end. Please obey the promise and give me your head,” said Krishna.

The soldier realized the truth and was ready to give his head, but he made a request. “I want to watch this war fully. After I cut off my head, please give me the power to watch the war until the last day.”

Krishna granted the soldier’s request, and the soldier cut off his own head for Krishna. Krishna placed the head in front of the war zone. After the war ended, the soldier’s head closed its eyes.

The moral of the story is that sometimes, our abilities can be our greatest enemies. We should use our talents and skills for the greater good, rather than for selfish gain. In this story, the soldier had to sacrifice his own life to realize the importance of using his abilities wisely.