God’s Own People – Akbar Birbal Story:-Once upon a time, there was a wise king named Akbar Badusha who had a question that troubled him. He wondered why God needed to come in person to protect people, instead of sending messengers.

One day, Akbar asked Birbal, his trusted advisor, for an answer to this question. Birbal replied that the king would have to wait to know the answer.

So every day, Akbar waited eagerly for a reply to his question. One day, Akbar and his family were traveling in a boat with Birbal and some ministers. Suddenly, Birbal picked up one of the king’s grandsons and threw him into the river!

Akbar quickly jumped into the river to save his grandson. Everyone was shocked, and the king demanded an explanation from Birbal.

Birbal then asked the king why he had jumped into the river when he had many subordinates who could have saved the child. Akbar angrily replied that he didn’t need Birbal’s help to save his grandson.
Birbal then smiled and said, “This is the answer to your question, O king. Just as you jumped into the river to save your grandson, God comes to protect his children when he sees them suffering. He cannot simply send messengers because he loves us too much.”

Upon hearing this, the king understood the deep meaning of Birbal’s reply and was happy. He realized that just as he loved his grandson, God loved all his children and would always come to their aid.
Nala Izuku kaithaigal