1.Two Goats Story – Read Along Stories
Two Goats Story – Read Along Stories:-Once upon a time, there was a white sheep walking in the forest.

As it walked, it came across a river that crossed its way. The sheep looked around and found a small bridge to cross the river.

It started to cross the bridge, but then it saw another black sheep starting to cross the bridge from the other side.

The bridge was too small, and it was not possible for both of them to cross at the same time.

The white sheep said, “Hey black sheep, move out, I will cross first, and then you can cross.”

But the black sheep replied, “No, I will cross first, and then you can cross.” They argued for a while but could not agree on who should cross first.

Finally, they decided to cross the bridge at the same time. However, as they walked, the bridge became unstable, and they both fell into the river.

As they were struggling to swim, they remembered that if they had cooperated and let one sheep cross first, they both would have been able to cross the bridge safely. They realized that working together was the key to success.

From that day on, they became good friends and worked together to overcome any obstacles they faced.

They learned that cooperation and teamwork were important, not only for crossing a small bridge but also for accomplishing any task in life.
2.The Feared Boy
The Feared Boy -Read Along Stories:-Once upon a time, there was a young boy who loved exploring the outdoors. He walked deep into the forest to see all the beautiful trees and animals. But after a while, he started feeling very hungry. He searched for food but couldn’t find any.

Finally, the boy spotted a mango tree with ripe and juicy mangoes. He climbed up the tree and started eating the mangoes. However, he noticed that all the mangoes on the lower branches were sour.

The boy decided to climb higher up the tree to find sweeter mangoes. But as he climbed up, the branch he was holding onto suddenly broke, and he started falling towards the ground. He quickly grabbed onto another branch to stop himself from falling.

But the boy was now stuck, hanging in the air, and he couldn’t move his legs to grab onto any other branches. He started shouting for help, hoping someone would hear him.
Luckily, an old man happened to be walking by and heard the boy’s cries. But instead of coming to his rescue, the old man started throwing stones at the boy’s hands. The boy was angry and confused about why the old man was doing this.

The old man then explained to the boy that he was teaching him a valuable lesson. The boy’s fear had prevented him from jumping from the tree, but his anger had given him the courage and power to do so.

With that, the boy realized that he was no longer afraid and jumped from the tree, landing safely on the ground. He thanked the old man for the lesson and continued on his nature walk, feeling more confident and brave than ever before.

3.Doctor Story-Short Stories For Preschoolers
Doctor Story-Short Stories For Preschoolers:-Once upon a time, there was a psychiatrist who worked at a mental health institution. One day, while he was leaving the institution, his car got a flat tire. He looked around for help to change the tire, but no one seemed to want to help him. So, he decided to change the tire himself. But as he was doing so, the bolts slipped into the drain.

Just then, a man appeared who looked like a patient from the mental health institution. The doctor thought that he could use the man’s help to retrieve the bolts from the drain. So, he asked the man to help him.

The man was very smart and knew exactly what to do. He removed one bolt from every other tire, leaving the doctor with three bolts. Using these three bolts, he mounted the fourth tire and drove to the mechanic’s shop to buy four new bolts.
The doctor was surprised and said, “You look like a clever person. Why are you in the mental hospital?”
The patient smiled and said, “Maybe I have a mental problem, but I am not a fool.”
The doctor felt ashamed of himself and asked for forgiveness. He realized that he had been too quick to judge and had underestimated the intelligence of the patients in the mental hospital.
From that day on, the doctor began to treat his patients with more respect and kindness. He learned that just because someone has a mental health issue, it doesn’t mean that they are not smart or capable.
4.Wealth and Love and Success -Stories for 7 year olds
Wealth and Love and Success -Stories for 7 year olds:-Once upon a time, in a small village, there was a poor farmer family who lived in a small hut. They struggled every day to make ends meet and often went to bed hungry. But they never lost hope and continued to work hard to provide for their family.

One day, three saints reached the poor farmer family’s hut. The farmer’s wife was surprised to see them and asked, “Who are you?” The saints replied, “I am Wealth, he is Love, and he is Success.” They introduced themselves and said, “Only one of us can enter your house. The decision is yours.”

The farmer family thought it was a test from God and had a discussion inside the house. The father said, “We accept Success. If we have Success, we can get a rich life.” The mother said, “If we accept Wealth, then we will have a good life.” But then the daughter spoke up, “We should accept Love. If a family lives with Love, all other qualifications will come easily.”
After hearing the family’s decision, all three saints entered the house and disappeared. From that day on, all three qualifications – Wealth, Success, and Love – stayed with the family. They became successful farmers, and their love for each other grew stronger every day. They realized that love was the most important thing in life.

The farmer family was grateful for the saints’ visit and the lesson they learned. They knew that they didn’t need just one qualification to live a happy life. Instead, they needed all three – Wealth, Success, and Love – to live a fulfilled life.
5.Foolish King – Bedtime Stories To Read
Foolish King – Bedtime Stories To Read:-Once upon a time, there was a foolish king who ruled a country. He never liked to learn anything from his childhood, and as a result, he was illiterate. He always gave gold to men who sang praises and poems about him, even if they were not well-written.

One of his wise ministers planned to correct the king’s foolish behavior. He decided to write a poem about the king, but instead of presenting it on paper, he wrote it on a huge rock.

When the king saw the poem, he was impressed and wanted to see it. But the minister had a condition. He asked the king if he would give the same amount of gold weight as the material the poem was written on.
The king agreed to give the same amount of gold weight, thinking it would be just a small piece of paper. But when he saw that the poem was written on a huge rock, he felt ashamed of himself for not understanding the value of well-written poems.

The king apologized to his minister and realized that he needed to learn and educate himself. The wise minister then guided the king to learn step by step and away from his foolishness.
From that day on, the king became a learned and wise ruler. He gave importance to education and literature, and his country prospered under his reign.
6.Snake and Farmer Kids Story-nursery stories to read
Snake and Farmer Kids Story-nursery stories to read :-Once upon a time, there was a farmer who went for a walk inside his farm on a cold day. While he was walking, he saw a snake lying on the field. The snake was frozen by the cold, and it didn’t have the power to move.

The farmer was a kind-hearted person, so he decided to help the snake. He took the snake and placed it in his chest, rubbing it properly to create some heat. After some time, the snake released from the freeze and realized the situation. But, unfortunately, it bit the farmer.
The farmer saw the snake and said, “I am a kind-hearted person, and I helped you, but I made a mistake and trusted a cruel one and helped. This is a lesson for me.” The farmer lay down in pain.

As he lay there, the farmer realized that sometimes, even the kindest people can make mistakes. He thought about how important it is to be kind to others but also to be careful and cautious when helping others.
Eventually, the farmer recovered from the snake bite, but he never forgot the lesson he learned. From then on, he was always kind and helpful, but he also made sure to be cautious and use his own judgment before helping others.
7.The Farmer, His Son And His Donkey -Story for Kindergarten Students
The Farmer, His Son And His Donkey -Story for Kindergarten Students:-Once upon a time, there was a farmer who had a donkey. One day, the farmer needed money for his living. He thought of selling his donkey in the nearby market.

The farmer and his son decided to take the donkey to the market. On their way, an old man saw them and noticed that the donkey was walking freely. He suggested to the farmer that one of them should sit on the donkey and travel to the market.

The farmer realised that the old man was right, so he let his son sit on the donkey and continued their journey. However, some women saw this and commented, “Look at that young boy travelling on the donkey. What a shame!”

Feeling embarrassed, the farmer decided to sit on the donkey and asked his son to walk alongside. As they travelled further, a rich man saw them and said, “Why trouble the young boy? Carry him too on the donkey.”

The farmer and his son sat on the donkey, and the donkey managed to carry both of them. However, their journey didn’t end here. A young government officer saw them and scolded them, saying, “You fools! Why hurt the animal?”

The farmer and his son realised that the officer was right, so they thought of carrying the donkey and walked with their son. Unfortunately, while crossing a river, the donkey fell and got swept away.

The farmer lost his donkey, and he remembered the moral of the story: always use your own brain and make decisions based on what is right for you and the people and animals around you.

From then on, the farmer never forgot the lesson he learned and always used his own brain to make the right decisions.

8.Unhelpful Friends – Kids Moral Stories to Read in Bed
Unhelpful Friends – Kids Moral Stories to Read in Bed:-Once upon a time, in a forest filled with many different animals, there was a happy little bunny rabbit named Benny. Benny had a lot of friends and loved to spend his days exploring the forest with them.

One day, while Benny and his friends were playing in the forest, a group of hunters arrived. The hunters had big hunting dogs with them, and they started chasing after all the animals in the forest.

Benny was running as fast as he could when suddenly, one of the hunting dogs saw him and started chasing after him. Benny was terrified and ran as fast as he could, but the dog was getting closer and closer.

Finally, Benny saw a deer and ran over to ask for help. The deer replied, “I’m sorry, but I’m not strong enough to help you. Why don’t you go ask the monkey for help?”

So Benny ran over to the monkey’s place and asked for help. The monkey replied, “I’m sorry, but I can’t help you. Maybe you should go ask the bear for help.”

Benny then went to the bear’s place and asked for help. The bear said, “I’m sorry, but I can’t help you either. Why don’t you try asking some of the other animals in the forest for help?”

Feeling very discouraged, Benny decided to think for himself. Suddenly, he had an idea! He quickly ran into the bushes and hid there quietly, without making a sound.

After a while, the hunters left the forest, and Benny was safe again. Benny learned a valuable lesson that day – sometimes, you have to think for yourself and find your own way out of a tough situation.

From that day on, Benny knew that he had the power to solve problems on his own, and he never forgot the lesson he learned in the forest that day. The end.
9.The Clever Bull – Kids Moral Stories in English
The Clever Bull – Kids Moral Stories in English:-Once upon a time, a strong and brave bull set out to explore the dense forest. After walking for hours, he found a cave with a nearby water source and plenty of lush green grass. The bull thought to himself, “This is the perfect place for me to live!”

However, the other animals in the forest warned him that it was actually a lion’s den. The bull was not afraid and believed that he could handle any situation that came his way. He decided to make the cave his new home.

Days passed by and the bull lived peacefully in the cave. One day, while resting in front of the cave, the bull saw the lion returning. He quickly pretended that he had more friends inside the cave and shouted loudly, “Friends, the lion is back! Be ready to fight him off!”

The lion heard the warning and returned to the forest. On his way back, the lion met a curious fox who asked him why he was running.

The lion explained that he was afraid of the bull who had taken over his den. The fox thought for a while and came up with a plan.

“Let’s go back to the cave together,” said the fox. “We will tie our tails together, and you will find the courage to face the bull.”

The lion was scared, but he agreed to the plan. Together, they went back to the cave, and the bull was surprised to see the lion returning with a new friend. The cow called out, “Friends, it’s a good day! We have got a new friend, and we are all ready to fight!”

But as soon as the lion and the fox hear the bull , they got scared and tried to run away. However, their tails were still tied together, and the lion pulled the fox along with him. Unfortunately, the fox died in the process.

The bull had won the situation and was able to live peacefully in his new home without any disturbance.
10.Peacock and the crane story-Bedtime Stories for Kids in English
Peacock and the crane story-Bedtime Stories for Kids in English:-Once upon a time, in a forest, there lived a beautiful peacock. He had a very long and colourful tail that everyone admired. But he was very proud of his beauty and often boasted about it to the other animals and birds. He would go to them and say, “Look at me, I am the most beautiful creature in this forest. You all are so ugly!”

One day, the peacock saw a crane and went up to him, “Hey crane, why are your feathers so dull and grey? You don’t look half as beautiful as me!” The crane looked at the peacock but didn’t say a word.

Suddenly, they heard the sound of a hunter’s gun. The crane, being quick on his feet, flew away immediately. But the peacock was not so lucky. He couldn’t run or fly fast enough because of his long tail feathers.

Just as the hunter was about to shoot him, the peacock remembered what the crane had said about the power of his wings. It was then that the peacock realized his mistake of being arrogant and rude to others.

The hunter’s shot missed the peacock, and he escaped. But the peacock felt ashamed of his behaviour and went to apologize to the crane. “I’m sorry, crane. I realize now that true beauty comes from within. I was foolish to be so arrogant and rude to you and others.”

The crane forgave the peacock and reminded him that every creature has its own unique qualities and beauty. He also advised the peacock to be humble and kind to others.
From that day on, the peacock learned to appreciate the beauty in other animals and birds. He stopped being arrogant and began to make new friends. He also started to realize that true beauty comes from being kind and humble, and not just from outward appearances.
And the peacock lived happily ever after, with his newfound wisdom and kindness.
11.Powerful Soldier – Mahabharatham Stories For kids in English
Powerful Soldier- Mahabharatham Stories For kids in English-Once upon a time, during the great Mahabharatha war, there was a powerful soldier who came to visit Lord Krishna. Krishna was busy watching the preparations for the next day’s war, but he welcomed the soldier and asked him what brought him there.
The soldier replied, “I am a powerful soldier with the grace of Lord Shiva. I have the ability to turn the losing side into the winning side. I see that your team is losing, so I want to join your side and help you win the war.”

Krishna wanted to test the soldier’s ability, so he ordered him to bring all the leaves from the mango tree nearby with just one arrow. However, Krishna had hidden two leaves inside his foot. The soldier shot his arrow, cutting and carrying all the leaves, but it circled around Krishna’s foot.
Krishna was pleased and realized the soldier’s true ability, but he hesitated to add him to his team. Instead, he asked the soldier for a promise. “I need a man’s head that can change the fortune of this war. Will you give it to me?” he asked.

Without thinking, the soldier promised to cut the head for Krishna. Krishna then revealed that the head he needed was the soldier’s own head.
“You are a true soldier and have great power and ability, but your ability is your enemy. If we start the war because of you, you will switch to the other side, and the war will never end. Please obey the promise and give me your head,” said Krishna.

The soldier realized the truth and was ready to give his head, but he made a request. “I want to watch this war fully. After I cut off my head, please give me the power to watch the war until the last day.”

Krishna granted the soldier’s request, and the soldier cut off his own head for Krishna. Krishna placed the head in front of the war zone. After the war ended, the soldier’s head closed its eyes.

The moral of the story is that sometimes, our abilities can be our greatest enemies. We should use our talents and skills for the greater good, rather than for selfish gain. In this story, the soldier had to sacrifice his own life to realize the importance of using his abilities wisely.
12.A glass of Milk | English Kids Stories | Bedtime Storie
A glass of Milk | English Kids Stories | Bedtime Storie:- once upon a time there lived a young boy, who was very poor, he did odd jobs to be able to buy his daily food and go to school
one day after school the boy was very hungry
He don’t have money and He have no job lined up till the night

So he decided to drink some water to fill his stomach
so the boy decided to ask one of the houses in the neighborhood for a glass of water
he knocked on the first doe,a young girl opened the door i am very thirsty can you please give me a glass of water

She said yes and saw the boy’s condition and understood how hungry he was
instead of a glass of water, she brought him a glass of milk
the boy was surprised to see the milk
He said i cannot take this i do not have any money to pay you for it
She answered that it’s okay you don’t have to pay me for it
He thankd her and drank the glass of milk and felt better immediately
he thanked her and went his way
many years went by one day

the girl who was now a woman fell very ill,she was taken to the hospital,the tests revealed that she had a rare kind of sickness that would need great care for many months
dr philip was assigned to her case
The Doctor said dont worry we will take care of you,as he had promised dr phillip took great care of her he visited her daily,stayed by her bedside at night and made sure she was always comfortable

After six months of intensive treatment in the hospital the girl was finally well and could go home but she had a worry
she called the nurse to her room,i am healthy now but i am worried,it is time for me to pay the hospital bill, but i’m afraid i won’t have enough money to do so
That nurse said oh you don’t need to worry about it your bill has already been paid

She got surprised and ask what by whom have a look yourself the girl was astonished the bill was cancelled across and in big bold letters it said
paid in full years ago with a glass of milk it was signed by dr phillips

the girl couldn’t believe her luck dr phillips was the young boy she had helped many many years ago,today he had become her savior and helper
13.Two Cats and Clever Monkey-Nursery stories to read
Two Cats and Clever Monkey-Nursery stories to read:-Once upon a time, there were two cats who lived near a house. They were very hungry and one day, they found a piece of bread while searching for food. But when they tried to divide the bread, they both wanted the bigger piece and started fighting.

Then they decided to go to a wise monkey to solve their problem. When they reached the monkey, they told him about their problem. However, the monkey was also very hungry and decided to eat the bread himself.

The monkey brought a piece of bread and placed it on two plates of a balance scale. He took a bite from the bread on the lower plate and then from the bread on the higher plate, alternating bites between the two sides.

While the monkey was eating, the two cats watched him in amazement. Finally, the monkey finished eating all the bread and said, “I have divided the bread into two equal parts. This half is for me and the other half is for you.”

The cats were very sad and disappointed because they did not get any bread. They went back home, feeling hungry and upset.

From that day on, the cats learned an important lesson. They realized that fighting over food was not the right thing to do. They learned to share and always divided their food equally. And whenever they saw the monkey, they remembered the lesson they learned and were grateful for his clever trick.
14.Thirsty Traveller-small stories to read for kindergarten
Thirsty Traveller-small stories to read for kindergarten:-Once upon a time, there was a farmer named Ram who was walking in a desert. He felt very thirsty and started looking for water. He searched everywhere but could not find any water source. After walking for a while, he saw a well in the middle of the desert. Ram felt very happy and ran towards the well. When he reached the well, he saw a water pump and a bottle of water lying nearby.

Ram was very thirsty and quickly picked up the bottle of water. However, he noticed a board with an instruction on it. The board said that he should use the water in the pump first and then only the water from the well would come out. Ram was confused and did not know what to do. He thought to himself, “Should I drink this water or should I use it in the pump?”

As he was thinking, he remembered the person who had left the bottle of water for him. Ram knew that the person who had left the bottle for him was a good man, and he wanted to be like him. So, he decided to follow the instructions on the board and poured the water from the bottle into the pump.
He started pumping the handle of the water pump, and soon fresh water started coming out of the well. Ram drank the fresh water from the well, and it was the best water he had ever tasted. He filled the bottle with the new water and went on his way.
From that day on, Ram learned that it is always important to follow the instructions and trust good people. He also realized that sometimes, doing the right thing might take a little longer, but it’s always worth it in the end.
15.Hungry Servant Story-Good Short stories to read
Hungry Servant Story-Good Short stories to read:-Once upon a time, in a wealthy village, there was a landlord who had a big banana plantation. He was a generous man who loved to help the poor. After a good harvest, he decided to give some bananas to the nearest temple as an offering to God. He asked one of his servants to take the bananas to the temple.

On the way to the temple, the servant got very hungry, and he couldn’t resist the temptation of eating two bananas. He ate them and then continued his journey to the temple. When he arrived at the temple, he gave the remaining bananas to the priest.

That night, the landlord had a strange dream. In his dream, God visited him and said, “The two bananas you gave me were very good. They were tasty.” The landlord woke up suddenly and was surprised by his dream.

The next morning, he asked the servant whether all the bananas had reached the temple or not. The servant admitted that he had eaten two bananas because he was hungry. The landlord was disappointed, but he didn’t get angry. Instead, he realized that helping the poor was the only way to reach God.

From that day on, the landlord started helping all the people who needed it in his village. He donated food, clothes, and money to the poor, and he even built a school for the children in the village. The landlord learned that helping others was the best way to please God and that God didn’t care about how many bananas you offered, but about how much you cared for others.
The landlord’s kind and generous actions inspired others in the village to do the same, and soon, the entire village was transformed. Everyone was happy, and there was no more poverty or suffering. The landlord and the servant became good friends, and they worked together to help the people in the village. They learned that the true path to happiness was through kindness and generosity.
16.Where is God Story – short story short
Where is God Story – short story short:-Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived two best friends named Ramu and Somu. They were very close, but they used to argue about everything under the sun. One day, while they were having a discussion, Ramu said, “There is no God.”

Somu, who believed in God, asked Ramu, “How can you be so sure that God is not present?”
Ramu replied, “Look at the people who live near your street. They are poor, and they suffer from diseases. If God is present, he should help them, but they are still suffering. So, there is no God.”
Somu listened to Ramu’s argument and then replied, “Just like how there is no barber in this village, and that’s why the man over there has long hair. The barber would have cut his hair and made him look better. This is your argument, right?”

Ramu was shocked, and he didn’t know what to say. Somu continued, “God is always present for people who are motivated, take courage, and move to the next level of their life. When people don’t follow any motivation in life and give up on them, that’s when God is not present.”

Ramu realized that he was wrong and apologized to Somu. They both hugged each other and promised to never argue again. They learned that even though they had different beliefs, they could still be friends and respect each other’s opinions.

From that day on, Ramu and Somu were closer than ever before, and they started helping the poor people in their village. They realized that they didn’t need to argue about the existence of God because they were both doing good deeds, and that’s what mattered the most.
17.The Monkeys and the Gardener Story – Story for Kindergarten Students
The Monkeys and the Gardener Story – Story for Kindergarten Students:-Once upon a time, there was a hardworking farmer who owned a vast farmland near a dense forest. He worked on his field every day to grow different crops and vegetables. He enjoyed his work, and the fruits of his labor were always worth it. One day, he noticed a group of monkeys living in the nearby tree, watching him as he worked.
As the days went by, the monkeys became more curious about the farmer’s work. They observed him carefully as he fetched water from the nearby river and watered his plants. Surprisingly, the monkeys started copying the farmer and began to carry water to the fields to water the plants.

One day, the farmer had to go to a nearby village for some urgent work. So, he called the monkey leader and asked him to water the plants for that day. The monkey leader was a bit worried and asked, “How will I know which plant needs more water and which plant needs less?”

The farmer smiled and said, “It’s easy. You just have to check the size of the plant’s roots. If the roots are thick and big, the plant needs more water, and if the roots are thin, the plant needs a small amount of water.”
The monkey leader nodded his head and agreed to do as the farmer said. The farmer left for the village, and the monkey leader began watering the plants just like the farmer did. He checked the roots of each plant and gave them the right amount of water they needed.

After a few days, the farmer returned to his farmland and got a shock of his life. All the plants had been pulled out of the ground and lay on the field. He asked the monkey leader, “Why did you do this?”

The monkey leader replied, “We wanted to check the roots of the plants, just like you said. So we pulled out the plants to see which ones had thick and big roots and which ones had thin roots.”

18.The Palace and The Hut-Read Me A Bedtime Story
The Palace and The Hut-Read Me A Bedtime Story:-Once upon a time, there was an emperor who had a huge garden filled with beautiful scenery. Watching the garden was the best thing in his life.

Whenever any travelers visited his palace, the emperor personally walked with them and guided them in the garden, spending more time in the garden with the guests.

All the guests appreciated the nature and thanked the king. But all of them saw an old hut in between the garden, and they were confused about why this ugly hut was in between the garden, but they didn’t have the courage to ask the king, so they remained silent.

One day, a neighboring emperor who was also a friend of the king visited the country and the garden with the king. As he was a friend of the king, he asked politely why this ugly hut was inside the garden.

The king replied, “It’s a brave hut. No one has asked about this in these years. You are the first to ask, and I am eager to answer this.”

The king continued, “In the beginning of the garden’s construction, some people lived in this landscape. I ordered them to evacuate this place and gave gold to the people who gave this garden to me. But one brave old lady didn’t get my gold or anything from me and said, ‘This is my own house. The king has no rights to evacuate me.'”
The emperor admired the king’s bravery and said, “You have shown great mercy towards your citizen with courage. It’s a beautiful thing to see a king who values his citizens’ bravery and loyalty.”
The king smiled and thanked his friend for appreciating his decision. From then on, whenever anyone visited the garden, the king made sure to tell the story of the brave old lady and her hut.
19.Donkey and Fox-Small Stories To Read for Kindergarten
Donkey and Fox-Small Stories To Read for Kindergarten:-Once upon a time, in a beautiful forest, a donkey and a fox lived together. They were great friends and always went out together in search of food. They had a deal that they would always help each other if they were ever in any danger.

One day, while they were out searching for food, they saw a lion. The lion immediately captured the fox. The poor fox didn’t know what to do and begged the lion to let him go. The fox said, “If you set me free, I will bring you a huge donkey with lots of meat.”

The lion was surprised and asked the fox how it was possible. The fox replied, “We are friends, and we have a deal that we help each other. So, the donkey must be nearby. If you give me a chance, I will bring the donkey to you.”

The lion was convinced and gave the fox a chance. After some time, the fox found the donkey and walked near the lion. The lion quickly hunted the donkey and smiled at the fox.

The fox was confused and asked the lion, “Why are you smiling?” The lion replied, “You are a clever fox. You sacrificed your friend’s life to save your own. You are a dangerous person.”

The fox realized his mistake and knew he had broken the deal he had made with his friend. He had risked his friend’s life just to save his own. The lion then hunted the fox too, and the fox was about to die.

As he lay there, the fox remembered the moral of the story. He realized that true friendship is about trust, honesty, and loyalty. It was not just about helping each other when it was convenient. The fox regretted his actions and wished he could have acted differently.
And so, the fox learned his lesson, and he hoped that other animals would learn from his mistake. From that day on, he promised himself to always be a true friend to those who mattered to him.
20.Donkey Fox and Lion story with Moral-little stories
Donkey Fox and Lion story with Moral-little stories:-Once upon a time, in a forest, there lived a lion, a fox, and a donkey. They lived nearby and would often meet and talk about things.

One day, they came up with an idea to go hunting together. The donkey would find the prey animals, the fox would help to trap them, and the lion would hunt them down.

They all agreed on the deal, and the donkey went out to find some animals to hunt. After a while, he found a deer near a pond and quickly informed the others. The fox helped to close off the deer’s runway, and the lion went in for the kill.

After the successful hunt, the donkey separated the meal evenly for all three of them. But the lion got angry and said, “I am the backbone of this plan, but you guys are separating the food evenly, which is not a good idea!” The lion then slapped the donkey, and unfortunately, the donkey died.

Upon seeing this tragic incident, the fox realized that he had to act fast. He separated the meal into two portions but gave the lion a bigger share. The lion was happy and asked the fox how he separated the meal.

The fox replied, “I learned from the mistakes of others.” He then showed the lion the dead donkey and reminded him of the moral lesson that they should work together as a team and treat each other with kindness and fairness.
From that day on, the lion learned his lesson and treated the fox and all the other animals with kindness and respect. They all continued to hunt together and share the meal equally, without any arguments or fights. And they all lived happily ever after in the forest.
21.Lion and Man-Free Bedtime Stories
Lion and Man-Free Bedtime Stories:–Once upon a time, a man and a lion were walking on the streets when they started a fight. The lion said, “Lions are more powerful than man,” and the man replied, “No, man is more powerful than a lion.”

They kept arguing until they saw a statue of a king sitting on a lion. The man pointed to the statue and said, “See, this statue shows that the king is more powerful than a lion.”

The lion replied, “This statue was built by man, so of course, it shows things in favor of humans. If lions built a statue, we would see things differently.”
The man stopped talking and thought about what the lion had said. He realized that there are always two sides to a story and that everyone has their own perspective. Just because one side appears to be more powerful, it doesn’t mean that it’s true.
The lion and the man continued to walk together, but now they understood that it’s important to see things from different angles and respect each other’s opinions. They no longer fought and became good friends, enjoying their walks together.
The moral of the story is that it’s important to consider other people’s perspectives and opinions before making a judgement. It’s only then that we can understand each other better and live in harmony.
22.Greedy Lion -Bedtime Stories To Read Online
Greedy Lion -Bedtime Stories To Read Online:-Once upon a time, there was a king lion who was very hungry. He roamed around in search of food but couldn’t find anything. Finally, he saw a rabbit sleeping under a tree. The lion quietly approached the rabbit, thinking he had found his meal.

But just then, the lion saw a deer grazing some distance away. The lion changed his mind and decided to hunt the deer instead. He thought to himself, “If I eat the rabbit, it will only be enough for one meal. But if I hunt the deer, it will be enough for two days!”

So, the lion ran after the deer, leaving the rabbit unharmed. The sound of the lion’s roar woke the rabbit, who saw the lion chasing the deer. The deer saw the lion and ran away as fast as it could.

Both the rabbit and the deer escaped from the lion. The lion realized that he had made a mistake. He understood that he should not have been greedy and that he could have easily had a meal by eating the rabbit. Instead, he lost both the deer and the rabbit.

The moral of the story is that greed can lead to bad decisions, and it’s always better to be satisfied with what you have. The king lion learned this lesson and promised to be content with whatever he found in the future.

23.Rat and Frog story-Stories To read online
Rat and Frog story-Stories To read online:-Once upon a time, there was a frog and a rat who were good friends. They lived near a beautiful pond where they loved to play and swim.

One summer, the water in the pond started to dry up, and the two friends became very worried. They knew they needed to find another source of water before it was too late.

The rat went out to search for water and soon found a pond with a lot of water. He was very happy and ran back to tell his friend, the frog.
The two friends went to the new pond, but when they got there, they got into a big fight. They both wanted to be the king of the pond, and they couldn’t agree on who should be in charge.
The rat said, “I found the pond, so I should be the king!” But the frog said, “I live inside the pond, so I should be the king!”
The rat was very upset, and he decided to bring all the rats from other places to fight with the frog. The frog, in turn, went and brought all his family to fight the rat.

The eagles who lived on the trees nearby saw the fight and waited for their time. The fight went on for a long time, and many rats and frogs lost their lives.

After the fight was over, the eagles came down from the tree and ate all the dead rats and frogs. The rat and frog’s taste attracted more eagles, and they started hunting the living rats and frogs.
The frog and rat realized that their silly fight had caused the loss of many lives, and they felt very guilty. They learned that fighting for no reason is not worth it and that it only causes pain and suffering.

So, kids, remember that fighting for silly reasons can hurt others and cause a lot of problems. It’s always better to talk things out and find a peaceful solution.
24.Owl Story -Bedtime Story
Owl Story -Bedtime Story:-Once upon a time in a village, there was a huge tree located in the middle of the street. A wise old owl lived in the hole of the tree. One day, a saint visited the village and decided to stay under the tree. All the villagers came to meet the saint, and he gave them his blessings.

However, the owl started to make loud noises and disturbed the villagers and the saint. After everyone went away, the saint called the owl and made a challenge to him. “If you keep silent for one year, I will give you a prize,” the saint said.

The owl was curious and accepted the challenge. He stopped making any noise and started listening more carefully. The owl observed the villagers’ behavior, and he saw that their actions didn’t always match their words. He smiled and continued to observe and learn.

As time passed, the owl’s brain grew day by day. He saw and learned things that he never knew before. The owl gained wisdom and knowledge, both good and bad.
After one year, the saint returned to meet the owl. The owl didn’t speak to the saint, but his face glowed with the knowledge he had gained. The saint could see that the owl had become wise, and the owl had transformed into a saint himself.
From that day on, the owl continued to live in the tree, and the villagers treated him with respect and admiration. They knew that the owl had learned a valuable lesson about life, and he had become a great teacher. The owl continued to teach others about wisdom and knowledge, and he became an inspiration to many.
25.Arrogant Rooster And The Eagle – Bedtime story
Arrogant Rooster And The Eagle – Bedtime story:-Once upon a time, there was a garden where two roosters lived together. One rooster was very strong and arrogant, while the other was weaker and more humble. The arrogant rooster would always boss around the weaker one, insisting that he was right about everything.

One day, while the weaker rooster was busy searching for food, the arrogant rooster came along and started to disturb him. The weaker rooster simply walked away, ignoring the arrogant one’s taunts.

Feeling victorious, the arrogant rooster climbed onto the roof and began crowing as loudly as he could. But little did he know, an eagle had been watching him from a nearby tree.

The eagle had always wanted to catch the arrogant rooster, but he was afraid of the dog that guarded the garden. However, this time, the situation was different. The dog was sleeping, and the eagle saw his chance.

With a quick swoop, the eagle flew down and captured the arrogant rooster in his talons. The weaker rooster watched in amazement as the eagle flew away with the arrogant rooster, never to be seen again.

From that day on, the weaker rooster lived a peaceful life in the garden, free from the arrogant rooster’s bullying ways. The other animals in the garden also learned a valuable lesson – that arrogance and overconfidence can lead to one’s downfall.
26.The Twelve Dancing Princesses Story in English
The Twelve Dancing Princesses Story in English:-Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, there was a king who had twelve beautiful daughters.

As the girls grew up, the king began to suffer from depression.

He noticed that his daughters would buy new shoes every day, but the shoes would be worn out by the end of the day.

The king bought expensive imported shoes for them, but they also got worn out within a day. The king was perplexed and wanted to know the secret behind it.

He announced a competition for the people of the country to solve this mystery for a prize. The willing participants stayed at the palace for one day, but they couldn’t find the secret.

One day, a hunter came to know about this competition. On his way to the palace, he met an old woman who asked him for food. The hunter gave her food, and in exchange, she gave him a magic cloth that would make him invisible. She also gave him a hint not to eat or drink anything from the twelve princesses.

The hunter participated in the competition, and the king said that he would give his entire palace and one of his daughters’ hands in marriage if he solved the mystery.

The hunter was taken to a room near the princesses’ room, and one of the girls offered him a drink.

The hunter remembered the old woman’s hint and refused to drink it. Later, he saw all the princesses leaving via a secret door.

He wore the magic cloth and followed them. The princesses went to the forest area, where they met princes from other countries and danced with them.

The hunter realized that their shoes were getting worn out because of all the forest walking. He found out the truth and said to the king, “Your daughters are all grown up now.”

The king was very happy to hear that, and he arranged marriages for all his daughters with the princes from other countries.

The hunter then said, “I want to marry the lonely princess who was not joining them.” The king agreed, and they got married.

The hunter became a prince, and he and his wife lived happily ever after.

27.Controlling Anger Moral Story in English
Controlling Anger Moral Story in English:-Once upon a time, there was a boy who lived in a small village. He had a bad habit of getting angry all the time. He would shout, break things and even hit people when he got angry. His father was worried about his behavior and wanted to change his nature.

One day, the father decided to talk to the boy about his anger issues. The boy admitted that he wanted to reduce his anger, but he didn’t know how to control it. The father then gave him a bag of nails and asked him to put a nail on the fence every time he got angry.

The boy started doing as his father had suggested. In the first week, he put 100 nails on the fence. As he continued to put nails on the fence, he realized the amount of his anger. He also started to feel embarrassed about putting so many nails on the fence.

In the second week, the boy controlled his anger and only put 50 nails on the fence. He continued to do this week after week, putting fewer and fewer nails on the fence.

Eventually, the boy learned to control his anger. He was no longer getting angry as often as before. One day, he realized that he no longer needed to put nails on the fence. He was able to control his anger on his own.
The boy felt proud of himself and grateful to his father for helping him change. He learned that it was possible to change his nature and control his behavior. From that day on, he was a much happier person, and everyone around him noticed the change in his behavior.
28.The Wolf and the Sheep Moral Story in English
The Wolf and the Sheep Moral Story in English:-Once upon a time, in a vast forest, a fierce wolf lived. He was known to be a ferocious hunter and had no trouble finding his next meal. However, one day he had a fight with a bear and was badly injured. The wolf was unable to walk or hunt and had no food to eat.

One day, a group of sheep walked by, and the wolf begged them for some water. He said he needed it to regain his strength and hunt once again. However, the sheep knew that if the wolf had the strength to hunt, he would most likely hunt them first.
One sheep bravely approached the wolf and said, “I am willing to help, but if I give you water, you will become strong and dangerous to me. I don’t want to become your next meal. So, I’m sorry, but I can’t help you.”

The wolf felt sad and ashamed of himself. He realized how cruel he had been to the animals in the forest and that his actions had consequences. The wolf then apologized to the sheep and promised to change his ways. He promised never to harm any of the animals in the forest again and to live in harmony with them.

The sheep forgave the wolf and, out of the kindness of their hearts, gave him some food to eat. The wolf was grateful and promised to always remember their kindness.
From that day on, the wolf became a new and different animal. He lived peacefully in the forest with the other animals, and they all learned to trust him. The wolf’s changed behavior brought peace and harmony to the forest, and all the animals were happy.

The moral of the story is that we should always be kind and helpful to others, but also be wise and careful with our actions. Our actions have consequences, and we should always consider how they may affect others around us.
TIME IS PRECIOUS-Moral Story :-Once upon a time, there was a lazy boy named Vicky. He loved to spend all his time on his mobile phone, even when he went out with his friends.

One day, Vicky and his friends went on a picnic. They were having a good time, but Vicky kept using his mobile phone.

His friends tried to get him to join in, but Vicky just continued using his phone. Then they decided to climb a mountain to see the sunset over the hills. Vicky followed them, but he had no intention of enjoying nature.

As they climbed, Vicky used his phone to watch videos and text his friends. While his friends enjoyed the beauty of nature, Vicky barely noticed his surroundings. He was too engrossed in his phone.

As they reached the top of the mountain, the sun had already set. However, the beauty of nature was still breathtaking.

Vicky’s friends talked about the beautiful sunset they had seen. Vicky realized that he had wasted a precious moment that he would never get back.

Feeling ashamed of himself, Vicky promised to improve himself. From that day forward, he put his phone down more often and started enjoying the beauty of nature around him.

Vicky became a more active and attentive friend, and he was grateful for the lesson his friends taught him.

The moral of the story is that we should appreciate the people and beauty around us and not waste precious moments on our phones.
Moral of the Story: TIME IS PRECIOUS
30.THE ASS’S BRAIN -English Animal Story
THE ASS’S BRAIN -English Animal Story:-Once upon a time, there was a king lion who lived in a huge forest.

The king lion was very powerful, but he was also very lazy. To help him out, a fox lived nearby and always assisted the king in his tasks.

One day, the king lion was feeling extremely lazy and hungry. He had no energy to hunt for food. The fox saw that the king lion was tired and hungry and decided to help him. The fox went into the forest to find some food.

As the fox walked through the forest, he saw a donkey eating some grass. The fox went near the donkey and said, “I am a loyal servant of King Lion.

He needs some more friends. If you come with me, you will get a royal friendship.”

The donkey, without thinking, decided to follow the fox.

The fox and the donkey reached the lion’s cave, and the lion was pleased to see the donkey.

The king lion asked the fox to watch the donkey while he rested and slept.

After some time, the fox got hungry and decided to eat the donkey’s brain.

When the king lion woke up and saw that the brain was missing, he caught the fox and asked him where the donkey’s brain was.

The fox simply said, “It has no brain. If it had a brain, why did it trust me and come to the cruel animal’s place for friendship?”

The king lion trusted the fox’s answer and ate the donkey. From that day on, the king lion was more careful about who he trusted and what he ate.

The fox continued to live nearby and helped the king lion, but the king lion never forgot the lesson he learned.
31.Ungrateful Lion and Clever Fox Story in English
Ungrateful Lion and Clever Fox Story in English:-Once upon a time, there was a woodcutter who used to cut trees in a dense forest. One day, while he was working, he heard a loud noise of an animal moaning heavily.

He followed the sound and saw a lion trapped inside a cage placed by a hunter. The lion asked for help, but the woodcutter wasn’t in the mood to release him. “You are a cruel animal, and it’s dangerous for me,” he said.

But the lion pleaded, “Please help me. I am in danger, and I am tired of attacking men today.” The woodcutter thought for a moment and decided to open the cage. As soon as he opened it, the lion caught him off guard.

The woodcutter was shocked and asked for mercy. But the lion said, “It’s my nature to attack.” Just then, a fox arrived at the scene and learned about the situation. The fox had a plan and inquired both the woodcutter and the lion.

But the fox acted as if he didn’t understand, and he demanded that they act out the situation for him to fully understand who had made the mistake. The lion agreed to act normally and entered the cage again. But suddenly, the fox closed the cage and saved the woodcutter.

The woodcutter was grateful to the fox and asked, “Why did you save me?” The fox replied, “You should have never trusted a lion. You are lucky that I was here to save you.”

From that day on, the woodcutter learned never to trust anyone blindly and always be careful. And the lion learned that it’s better to make friends than to attack them. As for the fox, he continued to be known as a sly but wise animal who always had a trick up his sleeve.

32.A Pound of Butter Story In English With Moral
A Pound of Butter Story In English With Moral:-Once upon a time, there was a farmer who had a cow that produced a lot of milk. Every day, he would sell the milk, curd, and butter in the village. The butter was sold to a bakery nearby. One day, the bakery owner got suspicious that he wasn’t getting the correct amount of butter for the money he was paying. He weighed the butter and found out that it was less than what he had paid for.

The bakery owner got angry and decided to go to the village court to complain about the farmer’s actions. The farmer was summoned to the court, and the bakery owner accused him of selling low-weight butter.

The farmer denied any wrongdoing and said that he always measured the same quantity of butter for the same amount of sugar that the bakery owner gave him. He didn’t use any other methods to determine the weight of the butter.

The village court’s wise old man decided to investigate the matter further. He asked the farmer to bring in the bag of sugar that he received from the bakery owner. When they weighed the bag, it was found to be less than the weight specified on the bag.

The wise old man then called the bakery owner to the court and accused him of selling underweight bags of sugar. The bakery owner, ashamed of his actions, admitted to the wrongdoing and apologized to the farmer. The wise old man then punished the bakery owner for cheating the farmer and warned him never to do it again.

The farmer was happy that the truth had come out and that he was not found guilty. He continued to sell his milk, curd, and butter to the villagers, and everyone trusted him for his honesty. From that day on, the bakery owner never cheated anyone again, and the village lived happily ever after.

33.A hare A Fox and A Wolf-Moral Story For Kids
A hare A Fox and A Wolf-Moral Story For Kids:-Once upon a time, there was a farmer who worked hard in his field near a dense forest. Every day, a hare, a fox, and a wolf would come into his field and damage his crops. The farmer was getting frustrated and annoyed by their actions.

After some time, the farmer decided to take action. He purchased a trap and placed it in his field to catch the animals who were causing him trouble. The next morning, the farmer went to his field and found that the trap had caught all three of the animals.
The farmer was angry and demanded to know why these animals were damaging his field. The hare was the first to speak up and explained that he had been taking food for his hungry stomach. The farmer realized that the hare was not doing it out of malice, but out of necessity.

The fox then spoke up and explained that she had noticed that the land was dry, and she wanted to help the farmer by digging up the field to allow the water to penetrate. The farmer realized that the fox was trying to help him, although in a misguided way.
The wolf, on the other hand, explained that he believed there was gold buried in the field, and he had been digging it up to find it. The farmer was furious that the wolf had been so greedy and selfish, causing damage to his field.

The farmer knew that he had to take action to teach the animals a lesson. He decided to punish the fox and the wolf but set the hare free. He realized that the hare was just trying to survive, and it wasn’t his fault that he was damaging the crops.

The farmer then explained to the fox and the wolf that they had caused him a lot of trouble and damage to his field. He warned them that they would be punished severely if they ever tried to damage his field again.

The fox and the wolf learned their lesson and promised never to harm the farmer’s crops again. From that day forward, the farmer was able to work in his field without any interruptions, and the animals learned to respect the farmer and his hard work.
34.The Power Of Silence – Kids Story with Moral
The Power Of Silence – Kids Story with Moral – Once upon a time, there was a grandpa who lived in a small village. He had a huge number of grandchildren who loved him dearly. One day, all the grandchildren came to visit their grandpa during their holiday.

The grandpa was delighted to see all his grandchildren and spent his days playing and enjoying the holiday with them. However, one day, the grandpa suddenly realized that he had lost his wristwatch. He searched for it but couldn’t find it anywhere.

He then asked all his grandchildren to help him search for the watch. All the children started searching for it, but no one could find it. They searched under the sofa, behind the curtains, and even in the kitchen. But they couldn’t find the watch.

Just then, a brilliant girl suggested that all of them keep their mouths shut and not make any noise. She wanted to listen carefully to any sounds that could help them locate the watch. All the children agreed to her idea, and they all kept quiet.

After a few minutes, the girl heard a tiny noise of the watch ticking. She followed the sound and suddenly looked under the table. To everyone’s surprise, she found the watch lying there.

All the children exclaimed and asked the girl how she found the watch. The girl replied that the previous night, the grandpa had told them a story about the power of silence. The story had inspired her, and she had implemented the theory of the power of silence to find the watch.
The grandpa was amazed and proud of his brilliant grandchild. He hugged her and thanked her for finding the watch. From that day on, the grandpa realized the importance of the power of silence and how it can help solve problems. He also knew that his grandchildren were not only intelligent but also wise beyond their years.
35.Animal Story For Kids : The Fox and the Monkey Story with Moral
Animal Story For Kids : The Fox and the Monkey Story with Moral:-Once upon a time, there was a forest ruled by King Lion and Minister Fox. They were loved by all the animals in the forest for their wise leadership and kind nature.
One summer, a new animal arrived in the forest. It was a monkey who claimed to have magic powers.

The monkey told all the animals that he could do incredible magic tricks that would amaze them. All the animals were frightened and didn’t know what to do.

The monkey then declared that he was the new king of the forest and that all the animals must obey his orders. But the animals replied that they already had a good king and didn’t need a new one.

The monkey was angry and declared that he would fight the lion king to prove that he was the better ruler.

All the animals followed the monkey to the lion’s place, where the monkey did a magic trick. However, the clever Fox Minister found out the secret behind the monkey’s magic trick. The fox then said that he could manage the monkey’s small fight.

The real competition was scheduled for the next day near the river, and the monkey visited the river to do some more magic tricks.

But the fox said that he had more power than the monkey and that he could walk on the water. The monkey panicked, and the fox walked on the water successfully.

All the animals were amazed and cheered for the fox’s victory. They beat the arrogant monkey and sent him out of the forest. The king then asked the fox how he was able to walk on the water without sinking.

The fox replied that he had arranged a group of tortoises to hide in the top of the water level. It helped him to win the fight against the monkey.

The animals realized that the monkey was just trying to deceive them with his delusions, and they were grateful for the wise leadership of King Lion and Minister Fox.

From that day on, the forest was peaceful again, and all the animals lived happily together.
36.English Moral Story For Kids-Proud Deer and his antlers
English Moral Story For Kids-Proud Deer and his antlers:-Once upon a time, there was a deer who roamed freely in a beautiful forest. One hot day, while searching for a water source, he stumbled upon a sparkling pond. The deer looked into the pond and saw his reflection for the first time. He was amazed at how beautiful his antlers looked, and he couldn’t help but feel proud of himself.

However, as he looked down at his legs, he felt sad. He thought to himself, “Why did the lord give me such a beautiful antler and such ugly legs?”

Just then, a hungry tiger emerged from behind the bushes, ready to pounce on the deer and eat him. The deer quickly realized the danger he was in and started running as fast as he could. His ugly legs proved to be more powerful than he thought, and he was able to run far ahead of the tiger.

But suddenly, the deer’s antlers got stuck between two trees. The deer struggled to free himself but was unable to do so. It was then that he realized the real reason why he was given those ugly legs. They were there to help him run fast and avoid danger.

Sadly, it was too late for the deer. The tiger had caught up with him and finished the job. The other animals in the forest mourned the loss of the deer, but they all remembered the lesson that he had taught them. The beauty on the outside is not as important as what’s on the inside, and we should always appreciate what we have.
37.The Snake and the Foolish Forgs Moral Story
The Snake and the Foolish Forgs Moral Story- Once upon a time, there was an old brown snake named Mandvishya who lived near a pond. The pond was home to many frogs of different sizes and types who lived under the leadership of the king frog. The snake found it challenging to catch prey for his meals as he grew weaker with age.

One day, the snake came up with a cunning plan. He lay near the edge of the pond and pretended to be very ill. The king frog saw him lying there and asked what the matter was.

The snake explained that a priest’s son had tried to kill him with a stick, and in self-defence, he had bitten and killed him. As a result, the priest had cursed him, and he could only survive by serving and accepting whatever food the frogs gave him.

The king frog was amazed by the snake’s story and delighted that they had a snake to serve them.

The frog king and his ministers rode on the snake’s back and enjoyed a joyful ride around the pond. However, the snake’s speed gradually decreased, and he begged the king frog for permission to eat a few frogs to regain his energy.

The snake continued to eat the frogs, and soon there were no frogs left in the pond except the king frog. The snake approached the king frog and said, “You are the last frog left in this pond. I can’t go hungry, so I must eat you.”

Without hesitation, the snake attacked and devoured the king frog. It is said that you should never trust your enemy, and this story is a testament to that.

38.We Support You, Young Boy: A Story of Kindness and Strength During Tough Times
We Support You, Young Boy: A Story of Kindness and Strength During Tough Times:-Once upon a time, there was a father and his young son who went to stay at a motel in a town far away from their home. They checked into their room and then went out for dinner at the motel’s restaurant.

During dinner, the father noticed that his son looked very tired and sad. The restaurant manager also noticed the boy’s sad face and asked the father if everything was okay. The father then explained that they were staying at the motel because the boy had cancer and was receiving chemotherapy treatment at the hospital nearby.

The boy was feeling upset because the treatment meant he would have to shave his head the next day, and he was worried about what people would think of him. The father asked the restaurant manager to make sure that all the staff treated his son normally and not to make him feel self-conscious about his bald head.
The next morning, the boy went to the hospital for his first day of treatment, and then went to a hairdresser to shave his head. After that, he and his father returned to the motel restaurant for dinner.

To their surprise, they found that all the staff in the restaurant had shaved their heads too! They were holding a huge banner that said “We support you young boy” in big letters. The boy was touched by this kind gesture and asked the manager why they had done this.
The manager replied, “Other men’s prayers are more powerful. We pray for you to take the remaining medical procedures confidently.”
The boy was so happy and emotional that he smiled after many days. His father was grateful to all the staff in the motel for making his son feel loved and supported during this difficult time.
From that day on, the boy felt much better, and he and his father continued to stay at the motel and receive treatment until he got better. The kindness and support of the staff at the motel made a big difference in their lives and helped them get through a tough time together.
39.Boy,Father,Granfather Moral Story For Kids in English
Boy,Father,Granfather Moral Story For Kids in English:-Once upon a time, there lived an old man with his son and grandson. There were no women in their family, but the three of them lived together and took care of each other. The boy and his father did all the housework together, while the grandfather was too old and sick to help.

However, the father was always angry and scolded the old man for being a burden on their family. One day during dinner, the old man accidentally knocked over the pot of food, spilling it all over the ground. The father got angry and shouted at the old man, making the boy feel very sad.

Later that evening, the father noticed the boy was making wooden pots.

He asked the boy why he was making them, and the boy replied, “When you get old, I don’t want you to get scolded, so I made these wooden pots for you to use instead of the fragile clay ones.”

The father was amazed by his son’s thoughtfulness and kindness. He realized that he had been too hard on the old man and decided to change his ways.

From then on, the father began treating the old man with kindness and respect. He even helped the old man by taking care of him when he was sick.

The grandfather was overjoyed by the change in his son’s behavior and was grateful to see his grandson’s kindness towards him. He blessed the boy and his father, and they all lived happily ever after, with love and respect for each other.
40.A True Servant – Kids Moral Story for Bedtime Reading
A True Servant – Kids Moral Story for Bedtime Reading:-Once upon a time, there was a great king who lived in a magnificent palace filled with endless riches. He was known for his kindness and generosity towards his people and his servants. The king had many servants who were always there to help him, and he was grateful for their assistance.

One day, the king wanted to know who among his servants was the most loyal. He called upon his wise and elder minister for advice on how to test his servants. The minister thought for a moment and came up with a great idea.

The next day, the king set out to the countryside with his troops. He carried with him a large wallet filled with gold coins. When they arrived, the king ordered his troops to spread out and clear the streets. Then he opened his wallet and threw the gold coins into the street.

The people and the servants in the area heard the sound of the gold coins hitting the ground and rushed towards them to collect as much as they could. Everyone ran to the street, except for one servant who stayed by the king’s side to protect him from the crowd.
The king was pleased to see the servant’s loyalty and devotion to him. He rewarded the loyal servant by promoting him to an important position in the palace.

From that day on, the king realized the importance of loyalty and how it can make a difference in his kingdom. He continued to treat his people and servants with kindness and generosity, knowing that they were the ones who made his kingdom great. And the loyal servant lived happily ever after, knowing that his devotion to the king had been rewarded with a great honor.

41.A Former and His Wife Kids Story with Moral in Englsih
A Former and His Wife Kids Story with Moral in Englsih:-Once upon a time, there was a farmer who lived in a village. He had a large agricultural land and was a hardworking man. However, he always thought that life was boring and that he worked too much. He would often scold his wife for not working as hard as him.

One day, the wife got angry and told her husband that he should do the household work for a change while she goes to work in the fields

. The farmer agreed reluctantly and started cooking food. However, he heard the cattle making hungry noises, so he had to feed them first. Then he had to clean the house and look after the children who were making a lot of noise.

Finally, he managed to cook the food and went to the fields to help his wife. To his surprise, he saw that his wife had managed all the bending agricultural work herself.

The farmer realized that being a housewife and a woman was not easy, and it required a lot of hard work.

From that day on, the farmer changed his attitude towards his wife and started appreciating her for all the hard work she did. He also began to respect women in general and learned to share the workload with his wife equally
. The farmer was now a happier man and his family was happier too.
Moral of the story: We should never underestimate the hard work that others do, especially women who play a significant role in our lives. It is essential to appreciate and respect them for their hard work and contribution to our lives.
42.Angry Snake – Snake and Saw Kids Story – English Moral Stories

While the carpenter was taking his nap, a snake slithered its way towards his house.

The snake saw the shiny, metallic saw lying in front of the carpenter’s house and thought it was a huge animal.

The snake got angry and started attacking the saw with all its might.
The saw was sharp and every time the snake tightened its grip around it, the saw cut deeper into the snake’s skin. But the snake, thinking that it was the animal that was hurting it, continued to fight. It became furious and tightened its grip around the saw even more. This time, the saw cut so deep that a huge amount of blood came out of the snake’s body.

Alas! The snake was mortally wounded and eventually died. The carpenter woke up to the commotion and saw the dead snake next to his saw. He was surprised to see what had happened, and learned a valuable lesson. From that day on, the carpenter always made sure to put his tools away properly after using them, so that no animal or person would be hurt.
MORAL: Sometimes we make assumptions based on our limited understanding, which can lead to misunderstandings and harm.
43.Go By Heart -Richman and Angel of Death Story
Go By Heart -Richman and Angel of Death Story:-Once upon a time, there was a very wealthy man who lived in a grand palace. He owned many businesses and made a lot of money every day. One morning, as he woke up from his sleep, he saw the angel of death standing in front of him. The man was terrified and asked the angel why she had come.

The angel replied that his time had come and he had to come with her. The wealthy man was desperate to postpone his death, so he asked the angel for some more time. He pleaded with her to take all his possessions, including his palace, his properties, and his money, but to give him just a month more to live.

However, the angel refused to give him any more time. The man then asked for just one day, but the angel denied his request. Finally, he asked for just one minute, and the angel agreed but warned him to hurry.

In that one minute, the wealthy man quickly wrote a letter to his family. He wrote that all the wealth he had earned didn’t help him to postpone his death, and they should not run after money, but instead, they should enjoy every moment of their lives.
As soon as he finished writing, he handed the letter to the angel and walked away with her, happy that he had passed on some valuable advice to his loved ones.

From that day on, the man’s family lived their lives, remembering his words of wisdom, and they learned to value each moment of their lives rather than chasing after money.
44.Taking Responsibility – English Story for Children
Taking Responsibility – English Story for Children:- Once upon a time, in a small village, there were two farmers living with their families. One family was always arguing and fighting, while the other family was peaceful and enjoyed life. The first family was always making a lot of noise, and their fights could be heard from far away, but the second family was always quiet and happy.

One day, the farmer from the fighting family had a big fight and decided to sit outside quietly. Suddenly, he heard a loud laugh from the other family’s house. He couldn’t help but peek inside to see what was going on.

He saw the other family sitting together, about to have dinner. But then, one of the young girls accidentally spilled water from the jug. The girl quickly apologized, but her mother took responsibility and hurried to clean up the spilled water. However, the farmer from the peaceful family didn’t allow her to do it and took responsibility for the mistake himself. He took a cloth and cleared the spilled water.

The farmer from the fighting family realized at that moment that taking responsibility for your mistakes and enjoying life was the secret to the other family’s happiness. He decided he wanted to follow their theory.
He went back to his house and apologized to his wife. From that moment on, the fighting stopped, and good times began for the family. They started to enjoy each other’s company, and they started to take responsibility for their mistakes. The farmer learned that it’s never too late to change and to make things better.

The two families became great friends, and they would often sit together and enjoy the beautiful moments of life. The farmer from the fighting family realized that happiness and peace are not things that you can buy; they are things that come from within. From that day on, he made sure to appreciate the little things in life and to live each day to the fullest.
45.Foolish Imitation Moral Story for Kids in English
Foolish Imitation Moral Story for Kids in English:-Once upon a time, there was a crow who lived near a huge mountain. He would often see an eagle soaring high in the sky and wished to live a life like the eagle. He dreamed of flying to the top of the mountain and perching on a tall rock, just like the eagle.

So the crow began to imitate the eagle by flying high in the sky, flapping his wings with all his might. He would practice every day, hoping to one day become a great bird like the eagle.

One day, the eagle was waiting for his prey when a group of sheep passed by the region. The eagle quickly swooped down and grabbed a little sheep with his sharp talons. The crow saw this and thought to himself, “That’s easy! I can do that too!” So he flew downward, trying to grab a sheep just like the eagle.

However, the crow was not strong enough to carry the sheep, and he crashed his head into the sand. He quickly realized that he had made a mistake and learned a valuable lesson – that he should not try to be someone he was not.

The crow then realized that he had his own unique abilities and that he could use them to live a happy life. From then on, he stopped trying to be an eagle and began to live as a crow, using his sharp eyesight to find food and his quick wit to outsmart his enemies.
The crow learned that it is essential to embrace oneself and not compare oneself to others. Every creature is unique, and they have their own abilities, and it is best to make use of these abilities to lead a fulfilling life. The crow flew back to his nest, happy to be a crow once again.
46.Farmer and three crooks-Moral Stories for Kids in English
Farmer and three crooks-Moral Stories for Kids in English:-Once upon a time, there was an old farmer who lived in a small village near a dense forest. He had a vast field where he raised cows and sheep. Every time the sheep grew old, he sold them at the market in the next village to buy food and other groceries for his home.

One day, the farmer had a grown sheep that he wanted to sell at the market. He decided to take a shortcut through the forest to reach the market faster. As he was walking through the forest, three crooks saw him carrying the sheep on his shoulder.

The crooks planned to beat the farmer and steal the sheep. But when they saw the farmer’s muscular physique, they changed their minds. However, they didn’t want to give up on the sheep, so they came up with a clever plan.

The first crook walked up to the farmer and asked, “Why are you carrying a wolf on your neck?” The farmer looked puzzled and replied, “It’s not a wolf, it’s a sheep.” The crook acted like he saw a dangerous animal and ran away.

The second crook walked up to the farmer and said, “Why are you carrying a fox on your shoulder?” The farmer was confused and replied, “It’s a sheep, not a fox.” The second crook also acted afraid and ran away.

The third crook approached the farmer and asked, “Why are you carrying a tiger on your shoulder?” The farmer was shocked and said, “No, it’s just a sheep!” The third crook acted like he was terrified and ran away.

The farmer started to get scared and thought that the sheep he was carrying must be a magical one that showed different faces to different people. He threw away the sheep and ran back home.

The three crooks found the sheep and took it to the market to sell it for a high price. The farmer realized that he shouldn’t have believed in magic and that he should have stood up to the crooks. From then on, he made sure to be more aware of his surroundings and always kept an eye out for crooks.
47.The Crystal Ball – Short Moral Stories in English
The Crystal Ball – Short Moral Stories in English:-Once upon a time, in an old country, there was a small village where the people lived a peaceful life by farming. There was a boy named Veera who lived in the village with his family. His grandfather had taught him to always follow good manners and to never be tempted to fly away from the path of righteousness.

Veera took care of the family sheep and every day he would take them to the nearby forest area to graze. One day, while he was walking in the forest, he found a golden crystal ball near a tree. As soon as he picked up the ball, the tree started to speak, “You are lucky! It’s a magic ball that can give you anything you want.”
Veera, being a good and obedient boy, did not feel any curiosity about the ball. He stored the ball in his house and did not ask anything from it. He shared about the ball with his only friend, but that was it.

However, one day, Veera’s friend stole the ball and told the villagers about its magic power. All the villagers gathered around the boy and started asking the ball for their wishes. One old man asked for money, one asked for gold, and one asked for diamonds. The ball granted all their wishes.
Everyone in the village was happy with their newfound wealth, but slowly, the peace in the village started to fade away. The people’s hearts and nature changed, and they stopped working in the fields. There was no one to farm and produce food, so everyone started to face the problem of starvation.

Finally, the men of the village decided to solve the food problem and returned the ball to Veera. He asked the ball to reclaim the village, and everything that the ball had given vanished. The village people realized their mistake and started to work again. The peace and harmony were restored, and the village became famous once again.
From that day on, Veera and his grandfather’s teachings were appreciated and followed by everyone in the village. The magic ball remained in the boy’s house, and nobody ever tempted to fly away from their righteous path.
48.The Frog and the Ox English Moral Story
The Frog and the Ox English Moral Story:-Once upon a time, there was a pond near a dense forest. The pond was home to a large number of frogs who were living in the pond for a long time. The pond was in a dirty state, so no animals other than frogs lived nearby. The frogs lived happily in the pond, and they didn’t know about other animals in the world.

Among the frogs, there was a large and strong frog who thought he was the most powerful creature in the world. He made a loud popping sound every time an insect came near the pond, which scared them away. He boasted to the other frogs about his strength and how he could beat any other creature in the world.

One day, an ox visited the nearby pond. The frog saw the ox and got angry, thinking the ox was trying to take over their pond. The frog jumped in front of the ox and made a loud popping sound, trying to scare the ox away. But the ox didn’t see the frog, nor did it hear any sounds.

The frog got angrier and pulled more air to make a louder popping sound. But it was of no use. The ox continued to drink water from the pond. The frog, determined to show his strength, pulled more air and made a huge balloon to make a louder popping sound.

The frog tried again and again, but the ox didn’t even notice the frog. Finally, the frog pulled in too much air and made a huge balloon that burst and popped his body. The other frogs saw what happened and realized that arrogance only leads to destruction.

The other frogs learned a valuable lesson from the incident and stopped boasting about their strength. They realized that it was not strength that mattered, but how they used it. The pond was quiet again, and the frogs lived happily, understanding the importance of humility and wisdom.

49.Bull’s milk story of Akbar Birbal in English
Bull’s milk story of Akbar Birbal in English:-Once upon a time, in the kingdom of Akbar, there was a clever and wise man named Birbal. He was respected and admired by everyone in the kingdom, except for some jealous ministers who wanted to get rid of him. They tried many times to frame him or put him in trouble, but Birbal always managed to find a way out of their traps.

One day, Akbar fell sick and the other ministers saw an opportunity to discredit Birbal. They bribed the palace doctor to give Akbar a medicine with a strange ingredient: bull’s milk. The doctor was instructed to say that Birbal had a talent for getting anything, even bull’s milk, and that’s why he added it to the medicine.

When Akbar asked for the bull’s milk, Birbal knew something was fishy. He went back to his house and told his daughter about the situation.

Then he sent her to the river near the palace to wash some clothes at night. Akbar noticed the girl and asked her why she was washing clothes in the middle of the night.

The girl said that her father had given birth to a baby that day, so they had no choice but to wash clothes at night. Akbar was surprised and asked how her father gave birth. The girl replied that since the king’s medicine could get bull’s milk, it was possible for men to give birth too.

Akbar understood the riddle and realized that Birbal was her father. He laughed and praised the girl’s intelligence.

He also rewarded Birbal with more honors and respect, and the jealous ministers had to accept his victory once again. From that day on, nobody dared to mess with Birbal’s cleverness and wit.
50.The Bonded Donkey – English Moral Stories
The Bonded Donkey – English Moral Stories-Once upon a time, in a village far away, there lived a potter who loved to create beautiful pots.

To create these pots, he needed sand and water, which he would collect every day with the help of his donkey.

The donkey was also responsible for carrying the pots to the market.
Every day, the potter and the donkey would cross the jungle to collect sand, and during their journey, they would take a rest in the middle of the forest.

One day, while taking a break, the potter realized that he had forgotten to bring the rope that he used to tie the donkey.

He was worried about the donkey wandering off into the jungle and getting lost. So, he decided to grab the donkey’s ear and use it as a makeshift rope to keep him from wandering away.

Although the potter tried to get some rest, it was difficult for him to sleep while holding onto the donkey’s ear. That’s when a wise man came along and noticed the potter’s predicament. The wise man asked the potter what was wrong, and the potter explained the situation to him.

The wise man told the potter that he knew magic and had a magic rope that could keep the donkey safe from escaping. The wise man then pretended to tie the donkey with the magic rope, and both of them went to sleep peacefully.

When the potter woke up, he saw that the donkey was still there. He was relieved and grateful to the wise man for his help.
He asked the wise man to remove the magic rope, but the wise man just smiled and said, “There is no magic rope, my friend. It is the donkey’s mind that is tied up with the rope. The donkey thinks it is tied, so it does not move.”

The potter was amazed and thanked the wise man for teaching him this valuable lesson. From that day on, he realized that sometimes our minds can play tricks on us, and we can overcome our fears and anxieties by simply changing our perceptions. The potter and the donkey continued their journey, but this time with a new sense of understanding and appreciation for the power of the mind.

51.The Swan and Owl Kids Bedtime Story in English
The Swan and Owl Kids Bedtime Story in English:-Once upon a time, in a dense forest, lived a great number of birds. Among them, there was a group of swans who lived near a river. The swans were ruled by a kind and wise king who ensured that everyone in the group was happy and safe.

Near the river, there was also an owl who had been observing the swans and the power of their king. The owl, who had always been a solitary bird, wanted to befriend the swan king and prove that he too could be a powerful ruler.
One day, the owl decided to approach the swan king and introduce himself. The swan king was hesitant at first, as he had always been wary of the owl’s reputation for being cunning and dangerous. However, he eventually agreed to speak with the owl and listen to his proposals.
The owl proposed that the two groups become friends and work together to protect the forest. However, the owl also wanted to prove that he was as powerful as the swan king. But, he could not find any reasons to prove it.

Soon, a war broke out near the forest. As the troops marched toward the river, the owl made a loud noise, causing the troops to cancel the march. The owl saw this as his own power and was proud of himself. The next day, the owl invited the swan king to come and watch him make the noise once again. The owl believed that the swan king would be amazed by his power.

As the owl began to make the noise, the troops threw an ambush and killed the owl. The swan king was shocked but also relieved that he did not become a victim of the ambush. The swan king knew that the owl had wanted to prove his own power and had been willing to do anything to achieve it, including risking the lives of others.

From that day on, the swan king continued to lead his group with wisdom and kindness, and the forest remained peaceful and safe for all its inhabitants. The lesson the swan king learned was that true power lies in leading with kindness and compassion, not in seeking to prove one’s worth at any cost.
52.Two Kind Hearted Formers-Moral Stories
Two Kind Hearted Formers-Moral Stories:-Once upon a time, there was a village nestled near a dense forest. In the village, there lived two kind-hearted farmers named Vellaisami and Karuppusami. These two farmers were known for their generosity as they gave their money to those who sought their help.

Vellaisami would give money to any man who asked for help, whereas Karuppusami would assess the seeker’s situation and then decide whether they really needed the money or not. He would then give the money accordingly.
One day, after a long time of helping others, Vellaisami went broke. On that day, no one came to visit him seeking help. However, a few poor people came to his house and said, “It’s alright that you have no money, but please give us some food or water.”

Just then, Karuppusami arrived and said, “See, the men who got your money are not here to help you because they didn’t get any money from you. But these poor people who really need help asked for it even when they knew you had no money.”

Karuppusami then advised Vellaisami, “From now on, find the poor people who really need money and help them, not the greedy people who just want your money.”
Vellaisami learned his lesson and decided to follow Karuppusami’s advice. He started to help only those who really needed his help, and not the greedy ones.

And from that day on, the two farmers continued to help those in need and always made sure to find those who really needed help, just like the poor people who asked for food and water when Vellaisami had no money.
The end.
Moral: help those who truly need it
53.Nothing is Permanent – Akbar Birbal Short Story
Nothing is Permanent – Akbar Birbal Short Story-Once upon a time, King Akbar took a short walk on the terrace of his palace.

He saw some beggars sitting on the walls of the palace and got very angry. He thought to himself that these beggars always take rest here, without any work, and are all fools.

So, he asked the servants of the palace to stick a notice that said, “No one can sit on the walls of the palace.”

But the beggars had no place to rest on sunny days. So, they went to Birbal for help.

The next day, King Akbar saw only one beggar sitting on the wall. He got angry and sent a servant to the beggar to ask him to leave.
But the beggar refused to obey the order.
The beggar said, “If the owner of the palace said directly to me, I can move to the other side.” This news reached King Akbar. He was surprised that a beggar had asked the king for a meet.

The king went to the beggar and asked him to leave. The beggar asked, “Is this palace yours?” The king said, “Yes.”

The beggar asked, “A couple of decades ago, who owned this palace?” The king replied, “It was my dad.”

Then the beggar asked, “40 years ago, who was the owner of this palace?” The king replied, “It was my grandfather.”

The beggar said, “See, there is nothing permanent. Things that are yours today may belong to someone else tomorrow.”

King Akbar was surprised by the beggar’s brief but valuable answer. He asked the beggar who he was. The beggar removed his fake beard and long hair and revealed himself as Birbal.

King Akbar thanked Birbal for the valuable lesson and realized that everyone should be treated equally, regardless of their social status.
From that day on, the king stopped discriminating against beggars and treated them with respect.

THE ENORMOUS TURNIP-Once upon a time, there was a farmer who used to cultivate turnips every year.

One day, while examining his yields, he noticed an enormous turnip in his farm.

He was overjoyed and decided to sell it in the market.

He tried to uproot the turnip with his hands but it did not move.

So, he tied a rope around it and pulled it hard, but it still didn’t budge.
He then asked his wife to help, and together they pulled on the rope with all their might, but the turnip still wouldn’t move.

Their son also came to help but had no luck.

Their daughter tried her best, but the turnip remained firmly rooted. They were all getting tired and frustrated.

Just then, the family dog came running over, and the farmer got an idea. He tied the rope to the dog’s collar and encouraged him to pull. The dog pulled with all his might, but still, the turnip did not move.

Suddenly, the cat appeared on the scene, and the dog was happy to have some company. The farmer tied the rope to the cat’s collar too, and the cat and dog pulled together.

This time, the turnip began to move, and with one final heave, it came out of the ground.

The daughter exclaimed, “My beloved cat is the reason for our success!” But the son countered, “No, it was my pet dog who helped the most!” Finally, the farmer spoke up and said, “It was the unity of our strength that helped us succeed. We all played a part in uprooting this massive turnip.”
From that day onwards, the farmer and his family always worked together as a team, knowing that together, they could overcome any obstacle. And the cat and dog became the best of friends, always ready to lend a helping paw.
55.Fisherman and a Golden Fish-Moral Story For Kids
Fisherman and a Golden Fish-Moral Story For Kids :- Once upon a time, in a small hut near a river, there lived a fisherman and his wife.

Every day, the fisherman would go out to catch fish in the river, sell them in the market, and use the money to buy things for his wife.

But no matter how much he tried, his wife was always unhappy and angry with him.

One day, the fisherman caught a beautiful, shiny goldfish.

Just as he was about to sell it, the goldfish spoke to him, “Please spare my life, and I promise we will be great friends.” The fisherman was amazed and decided to free the goldfish.

Excitedly, he went home to tell his wife about the magical goldfish, but she was still unhappy and demanded that he ask the fish for a better house.

The fisherman went back to the river and asked the goldfish for a better house, and to his surprise, the goldfish granted his wish, and when he returned home, they found a beautiful house in place of their old hut.

But his wife was still not satisfied, and she demanded that he ask the goldfish for a palace.

The fisherman was hesitant, but he went back to the river and asked for a palace, and once again, the goldfish granted his wish.

The fisherman was overjoyed when he saw a magnificent palace instead of their beautiful house.

However, his wife’s greed knew no bounds, and she wanted a house beyond the clouds.

The fisherman was reluctant this time, but he went back to the river and asked for a house beyond the clouds.

The goldfish granted his wish, but when he returned home, he saw that his house had disappeared.
The fisherman was confused and sad, and he ran back to the goldfish, asking for help. The goldfish told him that he had granted his wife’s wish, and she was now living in the house beyond the clouds. The fisherman was devastated, but he knew what he had to do.

He asked the goldfish for his real wish, and this time he said, “I need a wife who is not greedy.” The goldfish granted his wish, and when the fisherman returned home, he found his wife had been transformed into a kind, loving woman who was happy with what they had.

The fisherman and his wife lived happily ever after, and the fisherman learned that sometimes the things we think we want are not always what we really need.
Moral:-Enough is as good as a feast
56.The Golden Touch of Midas-Simple English Drama Script For ‘The Golden Touch of Midas’ story
Here is a drama script based on the story “The Golden Touch of Midas” for kindergarten school students:
Title: The Golden Touch of Midas
Cast: Midas – the King Dionysus – the God of Wine and Happiness Hermes – the Messenger of the Gods Narrator

(All actors enter the stage. Midas is sitting on his throne, looking unhappy.)
Narrator: Once upon a time, there was a King named Midas who was very rich but very unhappy.
(Dionysus enters the stage and approaches Midas)

Dionysus: Hello, King Midas. Why do you look so sad?
Midas: I have everything I could ever want, but I am still not happy.
Dionysus: I can give you the gift of the Golden Touch. Anything you touch will turn to gold.
Midas: (excitedly) Really? That would be amazing!
(Dionysus touches Midas and he gains the Golden Touch.)
Midas: (excitedly) Look, my throne is now gold!
(Hermes enters the stage.)
Hermes: King Midas, the gods are unhappy with your newfound power. You must use it wisely or face the consequences.
Midas: (ignoring Hermes) I will be the richest man in the world!
(Midas starts touching everything on stage and it all turns to gold. He touches his daughter and she turns to gold as well.)
Midas: (realizing his mistake) Oh no! What have I done?
(Dionysus enters the stage again)
Dionysus: King Midas, you have not used your gift wisely. You must return it to me.
Midas: I will do anything to undo my mistake.
Dionysus: Then go to the river and wash your hands. The gift will be gone.
(Midas goes to the river and washes his hands. He returns to the stage, no longer with the Golden Touch.)
Midas: (relieved) Thank you, Dionysus. I have learned that wealth and happiness do not always go hand in hand.
Narrator: And from that day on, King Midas lived a happy and content life, never wishing for wealth again.
(All actors bow and exit the stage.)
The end.
57.The Boy Who Cried Wolf – Kids Moral Story
The Boy Who Cried Wolf – Kids Moral Story:-Once upon a time, there was a young shepherd boy who tended his flock in a village on the side of a mountain.

One day, the boy became bored and decided to play a trick on the villagers.

He cried out, “Wolf! Wolf!” loudly, but when the villagers came to his aid, there was no wolf to be found.

The boy repeated this trick several times, causing the villagers to grow tired of his false alarms.
One day, a real wolf appeared and began to attack the boy’s flock.

The boy cried out for help, but the villagers, tired of his previous pranks, did not come to his aid.

The wolf devoured many of the sheep and the boy learned his lesson.
He realized the importance of telling the truth and never played such a trick again.
From then on, the villagers trusted him and he lived the rest of his days as a respected member of the community.
58.Funny story for kids – The Fly that Forgot It’s Name
Funny story for kids – The Fly that Forgot Its Name:- Once upon a time there is a fly living in a small house situated in a little village. One day evening that fly just forget its name.

The fly gets confused and started to ask for help to know its name. So the fly flew to nearby places and finds an old lady sitting in the nearby garden. The Fly asked the old lady hello old women do you know my name?

The old lady said I have a poor memory so I don’t know your name, if you want to know your real name then ask my son.
So the fly flew to her son and ask hey boy do you know my name?
the boy totally confused and said I don’t know you and your name please ask my axe maybe it will know your name
Asper the boys answer the fly asked the axe in the boy’s hand, hey axe do you know my name, But the axe redirected the fly to one of the huge trees in the garden for the answer
The fly flew to the tree and ask the question.

There is a clever crow which is sitting in the branch of the tree watching all the struggles of the fly to know its name, so the crow call the fly and give a good idea
go and torture someone with your nasty wings if they know your name they definitely shout it
The fly already knows that the crow is clever so it started to implement the crow’s idea. It flew to the gardener’s face and make some noise, the gardener get irritated and go away you nasty fly and try to slap the fly

Oh, so the nasty fly is my name, the fly misunderstood the name and things that nasty fly is its name.